- Date
- Title
- A Definition of Continual Reinforcement Learning
- Authors
- David Abel, André Barreto, Benjamin Van Roy, Doina Precup, Hado van Hasselt, Satinder Singh
- Venue
- NeurIPS 2023
- Date
- Title
- Benchmarking Robustness to Adversarial Image Obfuscations
- Authors
- Florian Stimberg, Ayan Chakrabarti, Chun-Ta Lu, Hussein Hazimeh, Otilia Stretcu, Wei Qiao, Yintao Liu, Merve Kaya, Cyrus Rashtchian, Ariel Fuxman, Mehmet Tek, Sven Gowal
- Venue
- NeurIPS 2023 Datasets and Benchmarks
- Date
- Title
- Passive learning of active causal strategies in agents and language models
- Authors
- Andrew Lampinen, Stephanie Chan, Ishita Dasgupta, Andrew Nam, Jane Wang
- Venue
- NeurIPS 2023
- Date
- Title
- Probabilistic Inference in Reinforcement Learning Done Right
- Authors
- Jean Tarbouriech, Tor Lattimore, Brendan O'Donoghue
- Venue
- NeurIPS 2023
- Date
- Title
- Improving neural network representations using human similarity judgments
- Authors
- Lukas Muttenthaler, Lorenz Linhardt, Jonas Dippel, Robert A. Vandermeulen, Katherine Hermann, Andrew Lampinen, Simon Kornblith
- Venue
- NeurIPS 2023
- Date
- Title
- LambdaBeam: Neural Program Search with Higher-Order Functions and Lambdas
- Authors
- Kensen Shi, Hanjun Dai, Wen-Ding Li*, Kevin Ellis*, Charles Sutton
- Venue
- NeurIPS 2023
- Date
- Title
- Optimal Preconditioning and Fisher Adaptive Langevin Sampling
- Authors
- Michalis Titsias
- Venue
- NeurIPS 2023
- Date
- Title
- Towards In-context Scene Understanding
- Authors
- Ivana Balazevic, David Steiner, Nikhil Parthasarathy, Relja Arandjelovic, Olivier Henaff
- Venue
- NeurIPS 2023
- Date
- Title
- Optimization and Evaluation of Fine-grained Jaccard Indexes for Semantic Segmentation
- Authors
- Zifu Wang*, Maxim Berman*, Amal Rannen-Triki, Philip H.S. Torr*, Devis Tuia*, Tinne Tuytelaars*, Luc Van Gool*, Jiaqian Yu*, Matthew Blaschko*
- Venue
- NeurIPS 2023 Datasets and Benchmarks
- Date
- Title
- Feature Likelihood Divergence: Evaluating the Generalization of Generative Models Using Samples
- Authors
- Marco Jiralerspong, Joey Bose, Ian Gemp, Chongli Qin, Yoram Bachrach, Gauthier Gidel
- Venue
- NeurIPS 2023
- Date
- Title
- Distributional Bellman Operators over Mean-embeddings
- Authors
- Li Kevin Wenliang, Grégoire Delétang, Matthew Aitchison, Marcus Hutter, Anian Ruoss, Arthur Gretton, Mark Rowland
- Venue
- arXiv
- Date
- Title
- POMRL: No-Regret Learning-to-Plan with IncreasingHorizons
- Authors
- Khimya Khetarpal, Claire Vernade, Brendan O'Donoghue, Satinder Singh, Tom Zahavy
- Venue
- NeurIPS Workshop 2023
- Date
- Title
- Revisiting Dynamic Evaluation:Online Adaptation for LLMs
- Authors
- Amal Rannen-Triki, Jörg Bornschein, Alexandre Galashov, Razvan Pascanu, Michalis Titsias, Marcus Hutter, Andras Gyorgy, Yee Whye Teh
- Venue
- DistShift-NeurIPS 23
- Date
- Title
- SEAHORSE: A Multilingual, Multifaceted Dataset for Summarization Evaluation
- Authors
- Elizabeth Clark, Shruti Rijhwani, Sebastian Gehrmann, Joshua Maynez, Roee Aharoni, Vitaly Nikolaev, Thibault Sellam, Aditya Siddhant, Dipanjan Das, Ankur Parikh
- Venue
- EMNLP 2023
- Date
- Title
- Generative agent-based modeling with actions grounded in physical, social, or digital space using Concordia
- Authors
- Alexander Sasha Vezhnevets, John P. Agapiou, Avia Aharon, Ron Ziv, Jayd Matyas, Edgar A. Duéñez-Guzmán, William A. Cunningham, Simon Osindero, Danny Karmon, Joel Z. Leibo
- Venue
- arXiv
- Date
- Title
- MingOfficial: A Ming Official Career Dataset and a Historical Context-Aware Representation Learning Framework
- Authors
- You-Jun Chen*, Hsin-Yi Hsieh*, Yu-Tung Lin*, Yingtao Tian, Bert Chan, Yu-Sin Liu*, Yi-Hsuan Lin*, Richard Tzong-Han Tsai*
- Venue
- EMNLP 2023
- Date
- Title
- A Benchmark for Reasoning with Spatial Prepositions
- Authors
- Iulia Comșa, Srini Narayanan
- Venue
- EMNLP 2023
- Date
- Title
- RoboCat: A Self-Improving Foundation Agent for Robotic Manipulation
- Authors
- Yuxiang Zhou, Todor Davchev, Maria Bauza, Konstantinos Bousmalis, Giulia Vezzani, Dushyant Rao, Coline Devin, Alex Lee
- Venue
- Transactions on Machine Learning Research (TMLR)
- Date
- Title
- Gaussian Process Probes (GPP) for Uncertainty-Aware Probing
- Authors
- Zi Wang, Alexander Ku, Jason Baldridge, Thomas L. Griffiths, Been Kim
- Venue
- NeurIPS 2023
- Date
- Title
- Small batch deep reinforcement learning
- Authors
- Johan Obando Ceron, Marc G. Bellemare*, Pablo Castro Rivadeneira
- Venue
- NeurIPS 2023