Open sourcing TRFL: a library of reinforcement learning building blocks
Today we are open sourcing a new library of useful building blocks for writing reinforcement learning (RL) agents in TensorFlow. Named TRFL (pronounced ‘truffle’), it represents a collection of...
Expanding our research on breast cancer screening to Japan
Six months ago, we joined a groundbreaking new research partnership led by the Cancer Research UK Imperial Centre at Imperial College London to explore whether AI technology could help clinicians...
Using AI to plan head and neck cancer treatments
Early results from our partnership with the Radiotherapy Department at University College London Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust suggest that we are well on our way to developing an artificial...
Preserving Outputs Precisely while Adaptively Rescaling Targets
Multi-task learning - allowing a single agent to learn how to solve many different tasks - is a longstanding objective for artificial intelligence research. Recently, there has been a lot of...
Safety-first AI for autonomous data centre cooling and industrial control
Many of society’s most pressing problems have grown increasingly complex, so the search for solutions can feel overwhelming. At DeepMind and Google, we believe that if we can use AI as a tool to...
A major milestone for the treatment of eye disease
We are delighted to announce the results of the first phase of our joint research partnership with Moorfields Eye Hospital, which could potentially transform the management of sight-threatening...
Objects that Sound
Visual and audio events tend to occur together: a musician plucking guitar strings and the resulting melody; a wine glass shattering and the accompanying crash; the roar of a motorcycle as it...
Measuring abstract reasoning in neural networks
Neural network-based models continue to achieve impressive results on longstanding machine learning problems, but establishing their capacity to reason about abstract concepts has proven...
DeepMind papers at ICML 2018
The 2018 International Conference on Machine Learning will take place in Stockholm, Sweden from 10-15 July. For those attending and planning the week ahead, we are sharing a schedule of DeepMind...
DeepMind Health Response to Independent Reviewers' Report 2018
When we set up DeepMind Health we believed that pioneering technology should be matched with pioneering oversight. That’s why when we launched in February 2016, we did so with an unusual and...
Neural scene representation and rendering
There is more than meets the eye when it comes to how we understand a visual scene: our brains draw on prior knowledge to reason and to make inferences that go far beyond the patterns of light...
Royal Free London publishes findings of legal audit in use of Streams
Last July, the Information Commissioner concluded an investigation into the use of the Streams app at the Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust. As part of the investigation the Royal Free signed...